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Books written by our Authors

Check out some of our latest work

o date, we have published 12 books written by incarcerated authors?


It costs us approximately $2,500 (below market cost) to complete a project (includes line editing, proofreading, interior formatting, illustrations, and graphic designs). 


Currently, we have 4 book projects awaiting publication, and 10 new manuscripts awaiting a publishing contract, all of which we feel advance our mission and vision statement. Due to low funds, we have reached a point where community donations are needed to help us continue offering our writing and publishing program.




Your donation helps us continue to provide writing resources, support, and book publishing to incarcerated authors. These books have a valuable message that provides healing and hope for the offender, victims, and the community. The writing is trauma-informed and offers insight that ultimately leads to offender reform and reduces recidivism.

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Mission Statement

Empowering justice-impacted individuals to make sustainable change through narrative writing, with the purpose of reducing and preventing juvenile crime, promote and maintain safe communities, and improve the welfare of youth and families.

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